Last month proved to be the busiest in the history of the Independence First Aid Squad, with 218 requests for service. It was also our first month being the primary EMS agency for the Township of Mansfield.
Here are the responses by the municipality for January 2023: Independence Township - 42 Liberty Township - 21 Mansfield Township- 111 Allamuchy Township - 2 Blairstown Township- 2 Frelinghuysen Township – 8 (6 Long-term Care Facilities) Hackettstown - 17 Hope Township - 2 Oxford Township - 2 Washington Borough – 6 Washington Township - 2 White Township- 5 The above calls are the calls the Independence First Aid Squad was requested to respond to. The primary EMS agency or a closer mutual aid agency may have canceled our response to some of the calls we were dispatched to. During January 2023, the First Aid Squad had 193 patient contacts and 130 patient transports. Average Dispatch to Responding: 3.19 Average Dispatch to Scene: 12.2 In January 2023, the Independence First Aid Squad missed one call in our primary area. The following EMS Agencies handled the one call: Hackettstown First Aid and Rescue Squad- 1 In January 2023, three different training classes were held for our members, and four members started their Emergency Medical Technician Initial program. We are always looking for new volunteers to join our team. For more information, visit